Tenure Track


Dr. Kolars leading instruction session

The Tenure (Instructional) Track was the original full-time faculty track in the Medical School with ranks of assistant professor through professor.  Tenure is only awarded in the Tenure Track.  Tenure must be achieved by Tenure Track faculty no later than the end of the tenth year of the tenure probationary period. (Regents Bylaw 5.09 and SPG 201.13)

Tenure Track faculty undergo departmental review for promotion and tenure prior to or during the seventh year of the tenure probationary period.  Following departmental review, the faculty member may continue for full tenure review by the Medical School and the University, or may be granted an extension of final tenure review up until the ninth year of the tenure probationary period in keeping with the University's policy.

The Tenure Track duties encompass instruction of medical students, graduate students, residents, and other trainees; scholarly activity that is typically manifested by medical research; organizational contribution to the mission of the Medical School; and in many instances professional work that usually relates to health care.  Members of this track are expected to make contributions to the Medical School in the areas of scholarly research, organizational service, and health care if it pertains to their professional field.  Instructional Track faculty have no significant employment outside of the University of Michigan.

Faculty in the Tenure Track are voting members of the Executive Faculty (governing faculty) and the University Senate, have representation on the Executive Committee of the Medical School and University Senate Assembly, and are candidates for tenure, sabbatical, and emeritus status.

Aspects of Tenure Track Faculty Work

  • Scholarship and research
  • Clinical care
  • Teaching
  • Service
  • Developing a reputation regionally, nationally, and internationally through excellent work 

For more information on the Tenure Track: