Effective Leadership

What makes a leader skillful and successful? Explore articles, training materials, and inspiring stories to cultivate your ability to lead in any role you may hold at U-M.

Looking for Faculty Development Leadership Workshops?


April 22, 2023

Collaboration and Team Science: A Field Guide was developed to help researchers navigate some of the rocky and murky territory associated with building a team either on their own or at the request of someone in their organization. It is intended for anyone who is currently participating on or leading a research team, considering becoming involved in a research team, or contemplating building a research team.

April 01, 2023

To ensure that all of the recruitment efforts at Michigan Medicine utilize specific efforts to ensure consideration of a diverse pool of potential recruits, the Office of Faculty Development and the Office for Health Equity & Inclusion (OHEI) have developed a checklist of requirements for search committees to follow.

April 01, 2023

The ADVANCE Program aims to improve the University of Michigan’s campus environment in:

  • Recruitment: Development and use of equitable recruiting practices.
  • Retention: Preemptive strategies to prevent the loss of valued faculty.
  • Climate: Improvement of departmental climate.
  • Leadership: Support for development of leadership skills and opportunities as well as on support for development of skills among all academic leaders.

Find programs and other resources for women faculty and other under-represented groups on the ADVANCE website.

April 01, 2023

If you want to improve your public speaking skills, there are many Toastmasters groups in the local area.  You can even start a club of your own.

February 28, 2020

Leadership Academy is an accelerated 4-day immersive learning experience that draws on the participant’s 360° assessment of leadership competencies and skills. The mission of the Academy is to accelerate the development of leaders so that they can reach higher levels of success and produce better results for the University of Michigan. The Academy accomplishes this by developing essential competencies and skills, introducing new approaches and global best practices, and inspiring personal commitment to leadership development.

Nominations are required for acceptance into the Leadership Academy. 

August 01, 2013

An excerpt from the book by Kerry Patterson, et al.