
Learn strategies for addressing tough issues and finding a solution.


June 16, 2023

This is a Michigan Online course. Sign in to your free account with your Level 1 password.

We all negotiate on a daily basis. On a personal level, we negotiate with friends, family, landlords, car sellers and employers, among others. Negotiation is also the key to business success. No business can survive without profitable contracts. Within a company, negotiation skills can lead to your career advancement.

June 16, 2023

This is a LinkedIn Learning course. Sign in to your free U-M LinkedIn Learning account with your Level 1 password.

When it comes to negotiation, shifting your mindset from "a battle to be won" to "a problem-solving conversation" can improve your results dramatically. In this course, leadership coach, negotiation expert, and author Lisa Gates demonstrates the core skills of interest-based negotiation to get win-win outcomes every time. Learn a step-by-step strategy for negotiating everyday workplace issues, from asking for a raise or promotion to pitching ideas and resolving conflict. Lisa covers techniques such as diagnostic questions, anchoring, framing, and labeling, which help you navigate impasse and generate satisfaction on both sides of the bargaining table. Along the way, discover how to prepare for a negotiation, cultivate your influence, get into a zone of agreement even when you have to say "no," and negotiate remotely over phone or email. Lisa also shares her best negotiation tips and tricks and provides worksheets to practice your skills.

June 16, 2023

This is a LinkedIn Learning course. Sign in to your free U-M LinkedIn Learning account with your Level 1 password.

Negotiation skills aren't just important for the sales professionals among us. With a little practice, anyone can learn the simple rules of negotiation to get a great deal on a new car or house, or achieve greater success at work by getting better deals with suppliers, customers, and even colleagues. In this course, master negotiator Chris Croft walks through all the phases of a negotiation, from deciding to negotiate to closing. Chris discusses how to plan your negotiation and calculate your opening offer. Plus, he takes you through a series of specific negotiation tactics, demonstrates how to come to a win-win situation through the use of trading, and goes into how to close the deal.

June 16, 2023

This is a LinkedIn Learning audio course. Sign in to your free U-M LinkedIn Learning account with your Level 1 password.

What is assertiveness? How can you use it effectively while still respecting others’ opinions? In this audio-only course, adapted from the Negotiate Anything podcast, Lousin Mehrabi explains what assertiveness truly is, why it’s important, and how to use conflict to add value to your business and general life. Lousin goes over building the necessary confidence for assertiveness, covers different approaches to advocate for yourself, and concludes with useful advice for dealing with people who don’t like conflict. Lousin Mehrabi is a trainer and advisor in negotiations and emotional intelligence at Lousin Mehrabi: Executive Coaching & Training.

June 16, 2023

This is a free podcast episode.

George Siedel—a Professor at the University of Michigan—wrote a great book called, “Negotiating for Success: Essential Strategies and Skills,” in which he shares the importance of planning. He believes so strongly in planning that he gives away numerous negotiation planning tools for free. In this episode of Negotiations Ninja, we cover planning in negotiation, the 4th and 5th key numbers for financial consideration, and how to understand and consider life goals when it comes to dispute resolution. George shares a shocking story at the end of this episode that you can’t miss.

August 01, 2013

An excerpt from the book by Kerry Patterson, et al.