
Develop your skills to exert influence rather than using persuasion to change your behavior or the behavior of others.


June 16, 2023

This is a LinkedIn Learning course. Sign in to your free U-M LinkedIn Learning account with your Level 1 password.

Leadership—the art of influencing and developing others to achieve their highest potential—is often identified as the most critical role in an organization. But what is effective leadership and how do you cultivate it? In this course, leadership consultant and global workforce expert Dr. Shirley Davis covers the basics of leading yourself and others. Along the way, she identifies the critical competencies and best practices for effectively leading today and in the future. Learn how to lead across differences and cultivate a more inclusive workplace; establish trust; build relationships up, down, and across the organization; lead change through agility and resilience; have difficult conversations; and more.

June 16, 2023

This is a LinkedIn Learning audio course. Sign in to your free U-M LinkedIn Learning account with your Level 1 password.

If you’re looking for ways to up your game as a middle manager, this course can help. In this audio-only course from How to Be Awesome at Your Job, Scott Mautz presents a series of best practices for leading up, down, and across your organization. Scott explains that, with so many roles, middle managers have to be good at making multiple mental transitions. He points out that the most successful middle managers see the hats they wear as integrated into one position they’re uniquely suited to handle. Scott also poses this question: are you assisting success or just avoiding failure? He advocates dividing your time 50/50. No more than 50% of your time should go to pragmatism or firefighting. The rest of your time should go toward pursuing exciting possibilities and opportunities. Scott walks you through the good-to-great grid that you can use when dealing with your boss, then concludes with his rules for giving excellent feedback and building influence with your peers.

June 16, 2023

This is a LinkedIn Learning course. Sign in to your free U-M LinkedIn Learning account with your Level 1 password.

In this course, author John Ullmen, PhD, gives you the keys to the C suite: a look at executive leadership qualities that set the best apart from the rest. Discover the importance of knowing how to set a foundation and direction, create a compelling vision of the future for your company, motivate your staff to achieve, and much more. The course also looks at the importance of maintaining a mentality of service as you move up the org chart.

June 16, 2023

This is a LinkedIn Learning course. Sign in to your free U-M LinkedIn Learning account with your Level 1 password.

In today's fast paced, constantly changing workplace, so much of our success comes down to our ability to influence colleagues, persuade co-workers, and get clients and customers to say yes to our ideas, proposals, and requests. But how can you become a more effective persuader? In this course, international best-selling author and persuasion researcher Steve Martin offers up ten proven ways to ethically and practically improve your ability to influence and persuade others at work, at home, and online. Join Steve as he shares his valuable information and action-orientated insights to help you develop and maximize your powers of influence and persuasion and get ready to hear more of the word "yes."

June 16, 2023

This is a Michigan Online course. Sign in to your free account with your Level 1 password.

This course will improve your ability to influence people in situations where you cannot use formal authority. You will learn about effective ways to build, develop, and sustain a power base in your organization. You will also learn influence tactics that enable you to be more persuasive and influential in working with your superiors, peers, and even subordinates. In addition, you will learn how to build and maintain high-quality relationships to further maximize your informal power and ability to influence others. Importantly, you will distinguish between influence and manipulation and learn how to protect yourself from the unwanted influence of others.