Mid-Career Series

The goal of the Advancing Professional Excellence (APEX) Mid-Career Series is to allow faculty to develop peer relationships that encourage them to focus on “next phase” leadership and career goals and map out a trajectory for achieving them. We aim to enhance the mid-career faculty experience and provide support for them to engage in the next level of career excellence. This series will be ongoing and emphasize creativity, innovation, teamwork, and mutually-beneficial mentor relationships.


Developing Next Phase Career Goals and Mapping a Path Forward

July 30, 2024
4 p.m. - 6 p.m.


Join us for the inaugural session of the APEX Mid-Career Series. In this workshop, we'll focus on goal-setting and the path forward from Associate to Professor (or Assistant to Associate Professor for those who are on the clinical track and in mid-career). We'll discuss creating an Individual Development Plan that includes both professional and developmental goals. Our Faculty Affairs Assistant Deans will then be available in breakout sessions by faculty track to answer your questions about the promotion process, expectations, and benchmarks for getting that next opportunity.


Aruna Sarma, PhD
Assistant Dean of Research Faculty
Chief, Dow Division of Health Services Research, Department of Urology
Research Professor, Departments of Urology and Epidemiology

Durga Singer, MD
Assistant Dean for Tenure Track Faculty
Valerie Castle Opipari M.D. Professor of Pediatrics
Associate Professor, Departments of Pediatrics and Molecular & Integrative Physiology

Colleen Hummel
Administrative Manager, Office of Faculty Affairs

Laura Denton
Director, Faculty Development


Exploring Emotional and Social Intelligence - A Path for Personal and Professional Growth

October 10, 2024
3 p.m. - 6 p.m. (refreshments served)
BSRB Seminar Rooms, first floor


This workshop will explore how having strong emotional and social intelligence skills can propel your career forward and assist in developing better personal relationships. Participants will focus on their unique strengths with the aid of an Emotional & Social Competency Inventory (ESCI) tailored report and leave with a personalized plan for development.


Melissa Pynnonen, MD, MSC
Professor, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
Section Head, Cranial Base and Rhinology
Medical Director, MM UMMG Faculty Benefits Appt.

Diana Wong, PhD
Associate Professor of Strategy & Organization Development
Eastern Michigan University
Founder, Sensei Change Associates, LLC


Financial Acumen and What You Need to Know as a Faculty Member 

December 12, 2024
4 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.


If you’re curious to learn more about how Michigan Medicine makes financial decisions or want a firmer grounding in finance, this workshop will increase your knowledge, deepen your practical understanding, improve your fluency and give you greater confidence in the financial decisions you make in your role. You’ll also learn how funds flow at Michigan Medicine and the Medical School and standard accounting practices.  A broad understanding of finance at all levels of the organization is the key to a thriving future for Michigan Medicine as well as a critical competency for a successful career. 

Steve Maxwell
Chief Department Administrator
Department of Emergency Medicine