
Compassionate Leadership

11 am, July 21, 2022

Whether crisis is in the world or within a team, compassionate leaders can acknowledge and respond to painful emotions and promote hope, collaboration, and healing. Participants will learn principles and practices for positive leadership during times of crisis and change. Informed by research and best practices from compassionate organizations, participants will have opportunities for reflection and discussion as they learn strategies to support themselves and their colleagues in difficult times.

This is an interactive session with time for group discussion.

Leading Your Research Team: Fundamentals of Negotiation, Hiring, and Retaining Your Science Team

11 am, March 02, 2023

This workshop is hosted by the Office of Faculty Development and co-sponsored by the Office of Research.

Join us for a full-day program designed specifically for scientists and faculty in the research space. This comprehensive program offers two tailored workshops to meet the unique needs of the community:

Change Management: Simplifying and Accelerating Organizational Change

10 am, March 30, 2023

Are you inundated with change? New technologies, operational challenges, and adjusted expectations create rapid, compounding change. Discover a model to navigate personal and organizational change while building agility and resilience in yourself and others. Use our R.E.A.D.Y. framework to identify strategies to overcome resistance, uncertainty, and apprehension while encouraging adoption of change.

This program is highly interactive and includes small group breakout sessions.

Mid-Career Series: Financial Acumen and What You Need to Know as a Faculty Member

9 am, April 29, 2024

If you’re curious to learn more about how Michigan Medicine makes financial decisions or want a firmer grounding in finance, this workshop will increase your knowledge, deepen your practical understanding, improve your fluency and give you greater confidence in the financial decisions you make in your role. You’ll also learn how funds flow at Michigan Medicine and the Medical School and standard accounting practices.
