Interpersonal Development

Micro-Practices for Burnout Prevention & Wellness for Physicians

11 am, July 23, 2021

This workshop will invite you to “try-on” specific micro-practices for navigating stress and cultivating wellness. Micro-practices take only seconds to minutes to implement. They include cognitive and somatic practices that aid self-regulation. By self-soothing, we naturally cultivate more presence and more choice in our behavior.
During this highly experiential workshop, you will hear, see, smell, taste, and feel a variety of micro-practices and develop a plan for applying them. Bring a healthy snack or beverage, and your favorite wellness strategy to share.

Enhancing Faculty Professionalism

11 am, June 30, 2022

This workshop is open to faculty and administrative leaders.

This session is intended to provide information and resources to department, division, center, and administrative leaders who are charged with addressing and remediating unprofessional behavior among their faculty members. Policies, approaches, avenues, and resources available to enhance professional behavior at the unit and Medical School level will be discussed. Examples will be provided of how to address different kinds of behavior depending upon if patients or other staff are involved.

Writing, Procrastination, and Resistance: How to identify your writing blocks and move through them

9 am, September 21, 2022

Do you keep putting off your writing and waiting for large blocks of uninterrupted time to get it done? Do you regularly engage in procrastination and avoidance when it comes to your writing projects? Have you ever wondered why it is that you really want to write, but just don’t do it until there’s a looming external deadline? 

Workshop Objectives

In this workshop, participants will gain an understanding of: 

Creating and Sustaining a Positive Workplace

12 pm, September 23, 2022

Do you feel depleted, disappointed, or even disengaged with your work life? Have you wondered when you’ll feel more connected to yourself and others? In this session, you’ll learn how to identify, break negative habits and maintain a positive workplace while navigating the effects of continuous change.

This session provides insights into the 7 Habits of Negativity with strategies and tactics to stop gossip, increase camaraderie and develop positive workplace practices. Learn techniques for getting along with others to attain the many benefits of a positive and engaged workplace.

Medical Education Symposium

1 pm, October 04, 2022

Medical Education Symposium 2024

The Medical Education Symposium is an event for faculty to focus on techniques and strategies that can improve student and trainee engagement as well as their effectiveness as teachers.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Breakfast & Registration: 8:30 a.m.
Symposium: 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Networking for Researchers

2 pm, November 30, 2022

A success factor for any career, networking can be daunting for shyer people, who then envy the “people-oriented” ones. In fact, both the introverted and the extraverted can benefit from a more systematic approach to professional networking. 

This lecture reviews the types of network worth considering and the approaches to effective networking, both face to face and online, each time offering concrete, readily applicable tips.

Design Your Life Lab

4 pm, February 27, 2023

There has never been a more compelling need for new work-life design than now! The global pandemic has changed everything – the way we work, learn, celebrate, work out, care for families, and play. Employees at every level struggle with blurred boundaries, isolation, and burnout. And many feel stuck, unable to progress in their jobs and careers, as everyone waits for things to go back to “normal." 

Leading Your Research Team: Fundamentals of Negotiation, Hiring, and Retaining Your Science Team

11 am, March 02, 2023

This workshop is hosted by the Office of Faculty Development and co-sponsored by the Office of Research.

Join us for a full-day program designed specifically for scientists and faculty in the research space. This comprehensive program offers two tailored workshops to meet the unique needs of the community:
