Communication Skills

Get That Grant – Planning, preparing, and writing your best proposal

9 am, March 12, 2021

This 90-minute workshop co-sponsored by the Office of Research is designed to help faculty plan and prepare a competitive grant application, with a focus on the NIH R01.
The first part of the workshop will present topics relevant to developing successful grant proposals including: strategic preparation, effective writing, and grantsmanship. The second half of the workshop will focus on constructing the scientific components of an NIH R01 grant application (i.e., Specific Aims and Research Strategy).

Resilience and Wellness Series

11 am, March 22, 2021

This monthly resilience and well-being series has been designed specifically for faculty and staff at the University of Michigan Medical School. These workshops will equip you with actionable skills to enhance your ability to overcome adversity, manage stress, and thrive in your professional and personal life. In these highly experiential workshops, you will engage in practical exercises and discuss strategies for applying the skills after the sessions.

You are encouraged to register for any and all of the workshops that interest you. 

Practice Session: Facilitating Conversations for an Anti-Racist Workplace

10 am, June 15, 2021

This workshop is open to faculty and staff who are managers and supervisors who want to hone their facilitation skills for discussions with their teams on anti-racist topics.

Note: Attendees of this practice session will have already attended Facilitating Conversations for an Anti-Racist Workplace prior to attending this session.

Managing Your Online Researcher Identity

12 pm, June 29, 2021

There is a lot to consider when crafting an online identity as a researcher. In this session, we’ll talk about the different types of online scholarly engagement and review best practices. We will go over some of the specific platforms that scholars use, such as ORCID, LinkedIn, Google Scholar, Scopus Author ID, Research Gate/, and Twitter.

Presented by: Sara M Samuel, Informationist for Hematology, Oncology, Radiation Oncology, Rogel Cancer Center, and Taubman Medical Research Institute


Behavioral Interviewing: How to Reduce Bias in Interviewing through Consistent Hiring Processes

9 am, December 16, 2021

This workshop is open to faculty and staff.

Training your interviewers is an important and often overlooked piece of a fair and effective hiring process. Well-trained interviewers protect your department from unintentional discrimination and ensure a process that results in better hires for your team.
All are welcome, whether you are new to interviewing, want a refresher, or just want insight into the interviewing process. 
This training will cover the following topics:

Enhancing Faculty Professionalism

11 am, June 30, 2022

This workshop is open to faculty and administrative leaders.

This session is intended to provide information and resources to department, division, center, and administrative leaders who are charged with addressing and remediating unprofessional behavior among their faculty members. Policies, approaches, avenues, and resources available to enhance professional behavior at the unit and Medical School level will be discussed. Examples will be provided of how to address different kinds of behavior depending upon if patients or other staff are involved.

Medical Education Symposium

1 pm, October 04, 2022

Medical Education Symposium 2024

The Medical Education Symposium is an event for faculty to focus on techniques and strategies that can improve student and trainee engagement as well as their effectiveness as teachers.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Breakfast & Registration: 8:30 a.m.
Symposium: 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
